The theme of the 9th Living Lakes Conference was “Land and Water Use in Recreational Development – Business and Corporate Social Responsibility for Water Ecosystems“. The Conference was about exploring land use and water use strategies that protect the natural values of lake and wetland ecosystems now and for future generations. The Conference addressed these issues by focusing on two key themes: 1) managing development and growth to ensure wetlands and lakes are healthy and enjoyable for generations to come; and 2) recognizing that healthy lakes and wetlands are a part of a vibrant economic future, and that accountability for environmentally responsible economic activity rests with businesses, along with communities and government.
The Conference was held in British Colombia, Canada on 26 September to 02 October 2004, and was hosted by the District of Invermere, the East Kootenay Environmental Society, and the Global Nature Fund.
CLEAR was represented by the representatives from the three partners: Ms. Adelina Borja and Mr. Casimiro Ynarez of Laguna Lake Development Authority (LLDA); Ms. Amy Lecciones of the Society for the Conservation of Philippine Wetlands (SCPW); and Ms. Jika Mendoza-Dalupan of Unilever Philippines (ULP). Also with them were Ms. Lina Tanjuatco of Federation of River Councils in Laguna de Bay Region and Mr. Jerry Esplanada of Philippine Daily Inquirer. CLEAR (Conservation of Laguna de Bay’s Environment and Resources) is a tripartite partnership of SCPW (non-government organization), LLDA (government agency) and ULP (business corporation). CLEAR is the Living Lakes partner organization in Laguna de Bay’s membership to the Living Lakes Network.
Living Lakes Network is an international network and partnership whose mission is to enhance the protection, restoration and rehabilitation of lakes, wetlands, other freshwater bodies of the world and their catchment areas. It was organized by the Global Nature Fund, a non-profit independent international foundation for the protection of environment and nature, with headquarters at Radolfzell at Lake Constance, Germany.